
The first priority is security at GBA

GBA utilizes industry-leading technology to secure its operating environment, including client authentication (password-controlled access), Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, 256 bit data encryption, public-private key pair, firewalls, intrusion detection, filtering routers, and data backups.

GBA values customer privacy and protection of confidential consumer data, and therefore takes all measures to protect and safeguard data. This includes state of the art encryption and internet security.

We are in strict compliance with the Fair Credit reporting Act (FCRA). For details on the FCRA, please go to

In order to utilize this service, GBA goes through a “know your client” procedure in accordance with FCRA section 607(a) in order to establish that the client is a legitimate business with a permissible purpose for the data.

GBA does not supply a social security number. Our social security number (SSN) trace requires the client to submit the applicant’s social security number, and GBA will provide certain information about the provided SSN only.

Our clients must certify that they have the applicant’s signed consent prior to any screening reports being processed. This consent can be obtained via a rental application, and other authorization forms, samples of which are included with this package.